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Monday 7 March 2011


Q1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Teaser trailer

We wanted to make our teaser trailer very creative and have multiple interesting unique shots, by picking the genre of film noir we were able to do this in order to successfully implement the style. For inspiration we used YouTube which was a fast tool which allowed us to easily find film noir teaser trailers from our chosen time period.

After searching YouTube we came across this film noir teaser trailer. Due to the unique shot types and key iconography portrayed we decided to use this trailer as our main inspiration as it included all of the key generic conventions of a film noir trailer.

Poster (Click image to enlarge image)

For my film poster i wanted to mix 1940's noir with modern neo-noir in order to attract a contemporary audience using conventions of 1940s film noir posters and images that have not been illustrated, but i have used digital photography in order  to give it a contemporary look. As i have done this i have broken conventions by not including a credit block or directors names etc. After looking at multiple film noir posters they use illustration but i found that the colour schemes or colours used include, yellow, red, blue, white, black and sometimes additional colours depending on their image. From the image to the left you can see i have taken inspiration and used a similar font to the "Dead Reckoning" movie poster using a white very informal rough text, the wavy shape the text takes form of gives a an unsettling visual image which immediately connotes semiotics to my audience. I have used the red, white, black and yellow colour scheme which gives the overall poster a pre-modern look, yet contemporary due to the digitally taken image. I chose to have the main character and femme fatale on the cover as this keeps with almost every film noir poster and keeps with conventions. The composition of my poster makes it seems seamless amongst other modern posters whilst still expressing the essence of film noir in the costumes and stance.

My magazine is an art house independent magazine and therefore follows the conventions of these, opposing to the mainstream film magazines.

For my film magazine i decided to stick with conventions. My masthead is along the top of my cover, this is often where they are placed, or in the top left, in order to be seen on a magazine rack/shelf. I have followed conventions also by using a menu strip, this displays other films also reviewed in the magazine.After researching into Sight and Sound magazine i realised that the art house style magazines usually focus on one story/film each month and therefore i have only used one cover line in keeping with conventions. My masthead name "Fluent Film" clearly states the type of magazine and is aimed at my target audience as the word "fluent" suggests that it is for a sophisticated audience. I have kept with cool colours and a limited colour scheme as this independent art house style tends to be subtle and look sophisticated rather than brash and to stand out. I have kept with the style of Sight and Sound in which the image is simple, iconic and portrays the character rather than actor, showing the magazine is about the films, not the behind the scenes gossip etc. I have followed the convention of a film magazine or magazine in general as I have placed my main coverline within the sweet spot and have also followed a "Z" pattern with my text and symbols so that the magazine reads easier. The non verbal imagery of the character in the image is very iconic and shows her femme fatale figure expressing the time period and genre effectively.
Here is a video showing the different layers of my magazine to give an idea of the editing process carried our using Adobe Photoshop:

Q2) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Q3) What have you learned from your audience feedback?
I undertook some audience feedback sessions in order to find out if my products had clearly established genre and my aims as well as allowing the sample audience to give compliments and criticisms which helped me create three successful products.
I held a focus group of five people in which i recorded on a handheld recording device, I asked three questions and allowed them each to say what they think whilst sometimes asking prompt questions to make them stay on task or help them understand the genre. I have recorded my results in word documents below.

Focus Group One - Draft stage

Improvements after draft stage:

  • Poster doesn't represent genre
  • Poster too dull
  • Unfinished products
  • Magazine looks too mainstream
  • Get rid of bright external countryside shots
  • Poster needs bright colours to stand out
  • Trailer needs more shots including shadows
  • Magazine could have image of actor in costume
  • Magazine needs to convey genre
  • Poster looks more like a novel
  • Music is boring and more for a horror trailer
  • Trailer is too confusing
  • Develop relationships within trailer and other products
  • Too many repeated shots in trailer
I took all of the improvements on board and continued researching, thus creating my final products and repeating the same process with the same people to see if i have made them look like real media texts.

Focus Group Two - Final Products

Q4) How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation?
I used the Internet to carry out extensive research, this new technology was a fast and easily accessible way of gaining the information and inspiration I needed. I used the search engine Google in order to get fast responsive and reliable results in order to find the most suitable research for my findings. (See right image)
I also used websites such as Wikipedia to get gain in depth explanations of the purpose of teaser trailers etc. I looked into industry websites such as which gave me more insight into blockbusters vs independent type films and allowed me to use this new technology to further use YouTube in order to back up the theory found out from these websites. Using IMDB and YouTube i was able to get a visual understanding of teaser trailers whilst also getting ideas for my own trailer and thus choosing the genre of film trailer i would like to create. I looked into industry specific websites such as Paramount, Disney and Columbia to see which films they distribute and to get a better understanding of the film industry before creating my product.
On blogger i have been a proficient user and was able to embed URLs into my blog seamlessly, displaying my work in a more attractive way.
I used Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2009 in order to create a presentation of my top five teaser trailers in which I highlighted the key conventions, this new technology enabled me to display my research in a variety of ways. After completing this task I used an electronic interactive whiteboard which was a brilliant new technology as it allowed me to present my presentation to my peers in order to share my research and opinions.
For my planning section using new technologies was really beneficial in creating visual prototypes and was able to use a variety of multimedia in order to present my planning ideas. I used Premiere Pro CS4 in order to create a preliminary task, we created a horror teaser trailer within school in order to practise using the software which i became proficient in using over the course. To film the preliminary task and our final task I used a Sony HD 1000 camera in which I was able to adjust contrast, exposure and was able to create canted angles. We used handheld stills cameras in order to take shots of our location and for our magazine and poster images. I also used the Internet during planning using websites such as to create colour schemes and in order to get copyright free music to use from a wide variety. These were good as I was able to maintain house style using the same colour scheme and find out which colours are best related to my genre as well as using freeplaymusic to create the perfect mood and atmosphere specifically for our trailer. I continued to use YouTube to gain inspiration into my genre and pick out interesting shots that we could implement and was able to look at the costumes work in the 1940's.

For the construction of my teaser trailer I used Premiere Pro CS4 which is a fairly advanced new technology which allows me to create my trailer using key frames, effects, shots down to the millisecond that we want them and can make everything exactly how we want it to be. In order to create my film poster and film magazine I used Adobe Photoshop CS4. This new technology was extremely useful I was able to have full control of my product and design whatever I wanted without limitations due to the range of effects and advanced technology that I can use in Photoshop. I used the lasso tool in order to carefully cut around my models in images, I was able to adjust the contrast, saturation and hue to make my images as clear as possible and stand out to look professional. To create the titles for my teaser trailer I used Adobe After Effects CS4 which allowed me to animate my titles and create genre and narrative specific font styles to place in my trailer. Using these programs have made me a proficient user of Adobe Master Collection CS4. I used a sound recording studio post-production in order to have great quality sound for my voice over and dialogue.  
I have used this site,  to evaluate my work in which i was able to separate each stage of my coursework and was able to be creative in the layout and design of my blog in order to make it appealing. I have used the file hosting website so that i could include hyperlinks to share my work and also to embed my work into my blog for a seamless look to my blog. I have also used Google Docs as an alterative so that I could upload documents and videos to share my work which is also linked to my blogger account profile for easy access. On my blog I have embedded multiple YouTube clips, this new technology process has allowed me to show my inspirational real media products. I have used Wordle so that I can display key conventions of a teaser trailer and film noir genre creatively breaking up the text on my blog. I have finally used Smart Recorder to record my screen, this has allowed me to show the progression in Photoshop of my film magazine front cover.

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